Solutions involved

Poplee Core HR

Partnership type


Integration level


0 star: No integration

1 star: Integration via flat file (with FTP deposit possible) or via a third-party integration platform

2 stars: API interfacing with one Lucca solution

3 stars: Complex API interfacing or interfacing with two or more Lucca solutions

Integration Mode


Integration Direction

From Lucca

Connector owner



Teale helps employees take care of their mental health via an application offering personalized programs and an extensive library of content.

By teleconsulting psychologists specialized in cognitive and behavioral therapies (CBT). And by providing HR departments with continuous, anonymous reporting on their employees’ health levels.

This connector has been developed using a third-party integration platform, and not directly between our two solutions. An additional cost may be invoiced by the publisher for the implementation of this integration.

Main features

The main features are :

  • an application with personalized programs, content library (video, audio, exercises), access to over 100 teleconsulting psychologists,
  • employee engagement tools, launch conferences, webinars, personalized notifications, newsletters,
  • continuous reporting to HR, segmented by team and dimension,
  • prevention plans and workshops led by psychologists specialized in CBT.

Synchronized data

The Teale data that will be synchronized as part of this integration are :

  • employee name,
  • employee first name,
  • work email.

You will also be able to activate the retrieval of the following data:

  • employee job title,
  • employee’s gender,
  • job type,
  • date of birth,
  • employee’s establishment.

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