Solutions involved

Poplee Core HR

Partnership type


Integration level


0 star: No integration

1 star: Integration via flat file (with FTP deposit possible) or via a third-party integration platform

2 stars: API interfacing with one Lucca solution

3 stars: Complex API interfacing or interfacing with two or more Lucca solutions

Integration Mode


Integration Direction

From Lucca

Connector owner



E-TIPI Learning designs and develops innovative educational solutions that help companies transform into Learning Organizations. E-TIPI Learning operates in the fields of EdTech, Corporate Academies, Learning Hubs, and more broadly in the field of training platforms. Comprising a young, enthusiastic team passionate about the challenges of education, E-TIPI Learning supports its clients as well as its partners in implementing intelligent and personalized training/HR ecosystems.

  1. The Smart and Adaptive Learning Portals: These employee portals offer learners a unique learning and collaboration experience. A simple and ergonomic back-office allows for complete administration of the training as well as the scripting and customization of the platform.
  2. The Learning Hub: Targeting training professionals, the Learning Hub establishes a strategy of content mutualization and co-creation.
  3. The Learning Studio: Educational experts and creators have access to a rapid authoring tool to create capsules, modules, and blended learning pathways in just a few minutes.

Main features

The main features are:

  • Resource center (search engine, semantic correlation engine, business metadata, differentiated access, publication workflow, multilingualism),
  • Social functionalities (learning communities, conversational flows, instant messaging, voting, liking, recommendation, evaluation, favorites, portfolio, notifications),
  • Search and correlation engines (full-text indexing, wild cards, additional filters on metadata, result sorting, semantic correlation engine),
  • Gamification (knowledge badges, multi-level discovery badges, experience points, battles and rankings, attendance badges),
  • Multimodal and blended learning paths (flipped pedagogy, synchronous activities, action-based learning (missions), learning communities, trainer dashboards),
  • Profiling and adaptive & social learning (individualized pathways, individual recommendation, personalized review, machine learning, learning analytics),
  • Integrated authoring tool (creation of multi-modal, digital, synchronous, experiential pathways, quiz creation, evaluation, dashboards, learning communities),
  • Responsive and mobile app (responsive design, Android, iOS mobile app, specific mobile activities, offline mode, skinning),
  • Session management (training sessions, waiting list, automatic generation of training information sheets, sending of invitations, attendance),
  • Learning hub (SCORM, versioning, localization, metadata, aggregation, co-authoring, analytics),
  • Learning studio (capsule, module, blended learning pathway – digital, synchronous, collaborative, coaching),
  • Adaptive learning portals: web design, LMS / TMS / LXP, algorithms (recommendation, clustering), skills, metadata, and analytics),
  • Learning marketing (open access, animation plan, newsletter, news and pop-ins),
  • Content curation (supports content curation for LMS – learning management systems, TMS – training management systems, and LXP – learning experience platforms, microlearning, coaching module, user-generated content).

Synchronized data

The Lucca data that will be synchronized as part of this integration is:

  • Department name,
  • Department code,
  • Department hierarchy,
  • Login,
  • Collaborator’s last name,
  • Collaborator’s first name,
  • Professional email,
  • Contract start date,
  • Contract end date,
  • Manager’s name,
  • Department affiliation.

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