Solutions involved

Poplee Core HR

Partnership type


Integration level


0 star: No integration

1 star: Integration via flat file (with FTP deposit possible) or via a third-party integration platform

2 stars: API interfacing with one Lucca solution

3 stars: Complex API interfacing or interfacing with two or more Lucca solutions

Integration Mode


Integration Direction

From Lucca

Connector owner



Komin makes it easy for customers to share knowledge within their teams. Komin assists its customers with job handovers, the sharing of best business practices and the digitization of in-house training.

This collaborative training tool enables customers to protect business continuity and involve their employees responsibly.

Main features

The main features are:

  • author’s tool,
  • collaborative learning,
  • content integration,
  • dashboard,
  • user management,
  • personalization,
  • online video recording,
  • landing pages for public training,
  • online quiz,
  • skills management,
  • gamification,
  • employee onboarding,
  • employee offboarding.

Synchronized data

The Lucca data that will be synchronized as part of this integration is:

  • employee’s name,
  • employee’s first name,
  • professional e-mail,
  • employee photo,
  • contract start date,
  • contract end date.

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