Integration level


No integration

Integration via flat file (with FTP deposit possible) or via a third-party integration platform

API interfacing with one Lucca solution

Complex PLC interfacing or interfacing with two or more Lucca solutions

Integration Mode


Integration Direction

From Lucca

Connector owner

Noos global

Noos global

NooS is a turnkey, customizable solution that enables every company to develop an engaging, measured and optimized CSR strategy with its employees and partners.

Main features

The main features are:

  • support in designing and implementing an engaging, measured and optimized CSR strategy,
  • participative corporate sponsorship,
  • optimizing and measuring companies’ positive impact,
  • gamified, turnkey CSR stakeholder engagement,
  • individual and collective eco-responsible challenges,
  • skills sponsorship,
  • responsible CSR communication.

Synchronized data

The Lucca data that will be synchronized as part of this integration is:

  • employee’s name,
  • employee’s first name,
  • professional e-mail,
  • department,
  • language,
  • contract start date.

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