Solutions involved

Poplee Core HR

Partnership type


Integration level


0 star: No integration

1 star: Integration via flat file (with FTP deposit possible) or via a third-party integration platform

2 stars: API interfacing with one Lucca solution

3 stars: Complex API interfacing or interfacing with two or more Lucca solutions

Integration Mode


Integration Direction

From Lucca

Connector owner



SideCare is a platform that allows you to build, manage and control your mutual and provident insurance contracts, regardless of the insurer.

With SideCare :

  • access market contracts at the right price (Axa, Gan, SwissLife…),access market contracts at the right price (Axa, Gan, SwissLife…),
  • offer your employees an optimal healthcare experience,
  • gain flexibility – change your contract whenever you want, without changing platforms.

Main features

The main features are:

  • automatic mutual and provident insurance quotes,
  • audit and creation of customized contracts,
  • support from an expert dedicated to your business,
  • centralization of contractual documents,
  • monitoring affiliations, DUE sign-offs, exemptions and portability,
  • continuous S/P monitoring & analysis of your employees’ consumption,
  • premium employee interfaces (mobile application, telephone support, reimbursements within 24 hours, etc.),
  • call center.

Synchronized data

The Lucca data that will be synchronized as part of this integration is:

  • employee’s name,
  • employee’s first name,
  • contact e-mail,
  • start date of the employment contract,
  • contract end date,
  • socio-professional category,
  • Social Security number,
  • employee contract,
  • establishment (SIRET number).

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